Free Land Locations


Donated by

Land p/h

Rental Rate

El Paso, Texas

43,560 sq ft / 1 acre

Eternal Deed

0.5 sq mm


Marengo, Ohio

1,620 sq ft

Eternal Deed

0.018 sq mm

$450 month

Rental Rate is a guess of how much revenue the donated land could bring in if operational. This money goes towards helping every human own land.

Instead of distributing useless miniscule lots to every human, we’ll use the land to generate funds for acquiring more land.

We can also give out some dividends along the way. Every human can claim their fair cash share. 25% of lands profit will be fairly distributed, the rest will improve owned land, and acquire more land.

Want a jumpstart to get cheap land?

We got you covered, most of our free land sites have affordable lots for sale with guaranteed seller financing and no credit / income checks. Lots start from $50 a month at an off grid property, within anyone’s budget.

Signup process is currently being developed and is expected Q3 2024 or sooner.